
In this guide, we’ll walk through a step-by-step process of writing a vacation request email including examples and tips along the way.

Requesting for time off is something that no one looks forward to, for it is so stressful. If properly done, you can write a professional vacation request email that clearly outlines all the necessary information and one that gets approvals without many hitches.

Here are some tips and email templates that can be used to get things started on the right note when taking time off.

Why should one write a business email for vacation?

While some workplaces allow casual conversations or texts to request PTO, sending a formal email is best practice for a few reasons:

- In essence, it generates a documented record of matters under its consideration. If you have your request in writing you are sure that it was made, second your request cannot be lost or buried in some bottom drawer.

- It's more professional. Email allows you to identify important considerations that your manager requires to evaluate the effects of your absence.

- It allows the users to communicate in a manner that is not bound to time or place. This is different from memorably approaching your manager as he comes out of a meeting, for example, and asking for an answer to an email.

In other words, a formal email also allows you to state and document matters for yourself, your manager, and the team effectively.

When To Submit Your Travel Request If You Do Not Want Your Vacation Time Request Denied

In most organizations, PTO should be booked 2 weeks prior or 30 days prior depending on the organization’s standard policy but in the event of sickness, death, or other emergencies, the policy can be relaxed.

To be sure, ask your HR department or management for your company policy in this regard. When possible, provide extra lead time (1-2 months) for requests like: When possible, provide extra lead time (1-2 months) for requests like:

- Trips that are more than 5+ days
- Dates associated with holiday seasons or other time frames that may be considered busy for most businesses.
- When several individuals seek to take time off at the same time.

It also minimizes schedule juggling, which enables managers to get the team ready for your unavailability.

Essential Items to Write in a Vacation Request Email

Writing a professional email allows your manager to read through the request fully and respond politely to your message.

Here’s what to cover:

1. Subject Line
Briefly summarize your ask: “PTO Request for [Number of Days] [Date(s)]”

2. Greeting
The least invasive greetings can be: Hi [Name] and they are friendly.

3. Dates Requesting Off
Please, mention the full date range including the date of departure and the date of return (for example 1st July to 6th July).

4. Total Business Days
State the amount of working hours, if possible, that you will be out (for instance, 4 business days for the dates indicated above).

5. Coverage Plan
Describe plans that have been made in terms of delegating some responsibilities and redistributing work once you are not around. This demonstrates maturity as you are already beginning to think about how you are going to meet your responsibilities.

6. Contact Information
If you are okay with sharing it, provide details on how you can be reached in a genuine emergency, a personal number like cell, or email address.

If completely out of contact, then make a record of that and assign an emergency contact at the company.

7. Glossary, Conclusion and Sign Off
A good example is ‘Thank you for considering my request’ to end the message politely and then add your signature.

Vacation Request Email Template

Here’s an example PTO email based on the above guidelines:

Subject: PTO Request for July 1st-6th If the above schedule is not convenient, kindly let me know an available date, so that I can adjust the schedule according to the availability.

Hi Janelle,

I kindly wish to take a PTO from 1st July to 6th July, starting from Monday to the following Monday, which is four business days.

When I was away, I made John take charge of my daily follow-ups with the clients, and I delegated supervision of the Chandler account to Sarah. The rest of the work in progress will not continue until I come back on July 7th. If there is any need for additional coverage arrangements please do not hesitate to contact me.

In extreme circumstances, I can be contacted at 555-864-3901 by my cell phone during the vacation. However, I will allow only a limited number of hours to spend on emails. In any case where my knowledge is required in a dire hurry, then my contact person is Rob.

I am writing to request a vacation and wish to express my appreciation for your consideration of the matter. I hope this helps, feel free to let me know if you need more information!


An email written to request a professional vacation should contain the following tips:

To encourage approvals, incorporate these best practices into your note:

- Ensure that you give your customers/prospects plenty of time to act upon your message.
- Specify information coverage plans for the responsibilities of your post.
- State the specific dates used in the calculation as well as the total number of business days.
- Proofread so as not to confuse or waste time in the correction process.
- Polite words to use include, ‘Thank you for sparing your time to consider my request’.
- If you don’t hear back from them, it would be appropriate to reach out a few days later to make sure they got the message.

This way, your manager will be able to comprehend the repercussions of approving your time off, thus being detail-oriented when preparing the request form.

This article will highlight several reasons that usually lead to PTO requests being rejected to ensure that employees understand what not to do when requesting a leave.

Although there is no sure-shot way, adhering to all possible email etiquette rules will significantly increase your chances of getting approval for a vacation. However, requests do reasonably get denied at times when:

- Others were asked to off too close to the same period (the matter of arranging the time off among all members of the team).
- The nature of the work of the staff and other employees to complete core organizational tasks means that an important deadline, project, or event falls during those dates that require all hands on deck.
- Their response: There is inadequate information that is covered according to arrangements made

If you have your email rejected, do not think that it is you who has done the wrong thing. Just talk to your manager in case it is better to do it at another time or explain scopes not covered that require further submission. Dealing with such denials politely is beneficial since this approach maintains harmonious relations with all the relevant parties.

In brief, whether a company can deny a PTO request depends on the law of the state in which the company operates.

Employers do not have an obligation to grant vacation to employees unless FMLA, ADA, etc applies, and can deny vacation requests based on business needs.

However, wise managers know that it is useful to have a break, to refresh oneself, and to balance life because it will help people become happier and remain loyal to the company. Thus, even though such denials do occur, they are not arbitrary.

If you are unhappy about the rate at which PTO requests get denied, talk to the human resource team. To do this, there might be certain overriding factors or further improvements to the policy necessary.

Key Takeaways

As it is always said and witnessed, writing a neat vacation request email makes time off approval almost a routine affair. Simply explain:

- The specification of exact dates accompanied by total business days that are missing
- Who will take charge of important functions that would be assigned by you?
- Less than adequate information as to how one can be contacted during an emergency.

Next, express gratitude to your manager for giving such consideration and offer sufficient advance notice.

Applying the correct protocol entails being idle and sunbathing on the beach not being anxious about reply. Hence, pen your request with precision and get ready to start packing bags.

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